Notes from MODE and ArchiZ days
Its weird. This feeling. I'd say I'm alienated? I'm feeling empty, I want to fulfill that void with things, with input. I wanna lie and do nothing.
That ends now.
Don't overthink it. You already planned for this. Do it.
That was hard. I mean, the whole week here. I've struggled to find some time to organise myself and meet people, and ended up pretty much doing neither, even if I saw half the people I wanted to.
So what does rob from the future want from today's rob? He wants:
□ Troovix things sorted out
□ Corey things "sorted", at least the big ones
□ Prep tomorrows work (interviews)
□ Corey
□ Remove Amazon account
□ Read
□ Ilia
□ Cambiar reserva
□ Pillar billetes cosas
□ arab
□ Pitis 5 - 9
□ plan alei
□ panxon
Skype. Organise.
Shit man let's go. 10 a cada. Not bad.
Every single screen that I design... get me a step closer.
Night Habit
✓ (1h - 0730:0830) Deliver Diego
✓ Yanikk pricing
- MODE Report
- send invoices over paypal
- solve image size crisis
- meeting (short)
* Meter facturas
* Entrevistas Upwork
- Review candidates
- Propose meetings
15 (10-16) Dilluns
10 (6-12) Dijous 250r
9 (6-20) Martes
8 (6-20) Lunes
Subir Solene entero
Cerrar Corey UI approach
1 pomodoro each, and see what's up. From now on, its game on.
12:30 leave
6 16:00/...
✓ cinta americana
✓ palillos
Vale. Son las 16:00. Vamos a acabar esto
Not bad for a white boy with no talent.
Arreglar movil/alei
Dia muerto
4 = 11 - 16 (200)
Uf hoy. Vamos a recolocar ayer y ver cosas.
Focus. Focus focus focus. Can't drop this ship.
✓ Daily
✓ Diego fast
3 = / (420) 2 + (call 1h) + 1 + 1 (Corey) /
No tengo muchas ganas de nada hoy. Ni Solene, ni Corey, ni shit. Solene necesito hacer un trabajo bastante automático, podría ponerme un documental realmente. De Corey no... más o menos. Primero debería crear ciertos símbolos para no trabajar a ciegas though. Eso es más automático. Me están bloqueando las partes más automáticas del curro... deberían ser las más sencillas. Voy a pasar unas cuantas pantallas de ArchiZ, al menos de project management.
El hambre no ayuda, tengo que recolocar mi horario. Estoy llegando a las 7-8 anyway, puedo dejar el desayuno hecho y darle al levantarme.
Corey generic flow
Solene upload invision, avisar quedada
check presentation comments + ppt
* providers
* team screen
* comparison
2 = 300
✓ Diego 25
✓ Alex 5
11 - 13
Vamos a hacer una hora hasta las 12 y luego le planteo a Corey adelantar la meeting
* MODE 25
* Solene 25
1 = 400 (8 12(skype) / 14 17(skype) 19 ) 13*6*6
* 25 Diego
* Corey flow entero
Plan week
* Solene?
30 = 250 (8 / 14)
Corey preview ios
Diego screens initial
Plan Solene
29 = 250 (8 / 14)
I'm having second thoughts about working all the time... except when I'm actually working. This is a good day to test my resilience though, normally I would catch maybe <100 on a short day like this.
ArchiZ day
+ 7777
- Organise (10')
- Solene
- I need paper
- Entrevistas Upwork ():
review people
filter down to 3
- Delta / Other
- skincare
- https://www.atrium.co/blog/debugging-your-startup/
- Felicitar a Sofi
28 = 380 (9 / 18)
Should be breakable but achievable.
Lo suyo sería darle a Solene al menos un par de horas.
27 = 450
Aunque solo sea por la rabia de no hacerlo.
What the heck decides what your limit is, anyway? If you have the time to break down, you are better off moving forward.
12:30. Recuperé sueño, básicamente.
Baia. Baia.
TODAY: 350 (7 / 5h)
What is your dream? I really don't know... or care at this point. This is important. 10 minutos each review.
Wake the fuck up freelancer.
We have revisions to do.
MODE. Necesito delimitar los flujos de estas 3 pantallas. Hecho, y skype hecho. Necesito darle caña a Solene, al menos un par de horas después de settle las facturas
Tarde (10'):
- Presupuesto alei/yo
- Bragas
- Auto reflexion
Welcome back.
TODAY: 200 (7 / 5h)
Vamos a recuperar lo de ayer. La música no ayuda honestly. Lo que estás intentando entender son tus emociones. Ahora mismo necesitas abstraerte hasta las 14:00 mínimo. Vamos a darle a MODE, a Solene, y alguna cosilla para liberar. Space feels liberating. Thinking about it makes me remember being floating in the sea, away from land. It feels vast, unexplored, and full of meaning to be understood.
I'm fucking feeling the grind as if I'm on the gym. Doing these side "quests" while working on the main one help me unstuck and prioritise items. Not everything is MODE, I need to stay focused but at the same time abstracted.
- Solene (landing options)
- Plan next moves from Notion
Stop. Wait a minute. Water. Showing up is half the work! Actually an 1/8. Let's see.
Calendar. Creo que voy a hacer 2 horas, coger algo de comida y volver, hacer el skype, tomar un café, currar un poco más y volver. Doncs, mi prioridad es Corey:
I need to keep a focused trail of work. Another 30' for sublime. I'm a bit blocke, but the system works to deal with the lower-tier things. I should probably switch it to 25-5-25-5
Let's do this. After FOX. Ah. Ahora. You need to talk. Vamos a por MODE.
MODE until...
Pretty fucked. Lets get started.
important shit **
- solene
* notifications
- trendy items / season
* mails?
- post Upwork
*stable internet
Ayer estaba viendo Slack de Solene. A por el marketplace, necesito cerrar todas las pantallas.
- homepage
- búsqueda
- menú lateral de compra?...
Me acabo de bloquear. La música creo que no ayuda, y tampoco tengo hambre especialmente. El menu de compra lateral es una tocada de huevos importante. Hacerla para todas las pantallas implicaría hacer responsive la web... a no ser que somehow me cargase la navegacion y la sustituyese por eso? Si no, se reduciría a tope el espacio... A no ser que lo plantee cuasi-tablet.
Brutal la idea. A ver, vamos a celebrar un poco. En una hora y media de curro a full he igualado casi el 50% del curro de ayer. Pretty good. Si quisiera acabar Solene tendría que definir un poco un par de pantallas más, y quizá subirlo todo en Santi.
Paseo is good.
Bueno, vamos a enfrentarnos a Slack. Hecho. Vamos a trabajar en el marketplace.
Tengo un par de cosas que entregar este finde. Tengo plenty of sleep in my back. Y es lunes. Vamos a seguir.
- activar tarjeta abanca
* Review notion
Tengo la idea de dedicarle minimo 1/2 horas a cada proyecto en el que trabajo, focused time, al dia. Esto me permite tener un recorrido en la cantidad de curro que puedo sacar, y cuanto le dedico a pensar en el proyecto.
Hoy tocan 4 horas a Solene y 4 a Corey, aunque creo que con 1-2 a Corey debería llegar. Además, tengo que revisar lo que lanzó Darren. Bueno, más bien hablarlo con Berto. De hecho, llegaron las 2 de Corey. Solene ha sido difícil de empezar pero bueno.
-1 -----
This shit could work. I just need to stay focused. Let's make an excel. I can chart it out, and even make it over 10' periods with some kind of meassuring system
1 -----
Concentration clock. From 1 to 10, flow state.
10: blowing it
07: good rythm
06: advancing...
05: just working, heating up
04: losing focus
03: falling, move
01: distracted, change place
6 up
9 alli
Solene. Vamos al gym, ducha fria, coworking, chill around y caña a Solene.
1 -----
Delta is a means to make money. My life is not Delta. I must oush it to certain parts of the day. Then what do care about?
0 -----
0 -----
Core for end x3:
- wheel rollouts
- pallof press on knees
- hypers on bench
Call Sil
Call Mom
Its a normal Sunday. I'm trying to get back in track with some habits. What does all this mean though?
Its 19:00, most stuff is not even started, on Delta side. Let's fast track a few.
6 -----
I feel it. Its happening
5 -----
I'm quite done. Let me see. If I see that I'm not productive, I can turn to productive procrastination. Let's make a list.
4 -----
Heyo. Upwork for Ashot. Paid.
3 -----
Let's see how we work on a coffee. Vamos a saltar entre estas tres:
DONE - Branding DADH proposal few (6 logos) - 1.000€
0 - Branding archiZ contextual few (2 full) - 0€
* Project's screen
1 - UI Completa archiZ - 2200€
* option to remove on hover tab from options
0 - Propuesta Aussie - 500€?
Total = 2 (each 10, round of)
Okey lets shoot
2 -----
I need to refocus. I found that 5' periods are the best for it. First, let's plan. I need to know which deliverables would be better done today. All makes sense.
+ Plan
* cosas de casa
* gym
Deliverables for today:
1 + VCC maria - 0€
2 - Branding DADH proposal few (6 logos) - 1.000€
0 - Branding archiZ contextual few (2 full) - 0€
0 - UI Completa archiZ - 2200€
Total = 2 (each 10, round of)
- terraza
- ropa
- estirar
Once you finish all these, the rest of stuff pushed away. That'd be 10.
1 ----
Its curious. Branding, UI. Its curious to think about:
a. branding for dadH
b. branding for archiZ
c. UI for archiZ - we need a clickable prototype
Let's check this out:
21:00 -